Friday, September 25, 2009

Utah Trip

Our recent trip to Utah came in stages. Started with Football - we left on Thursday, after some trouble getting the car on the tow trailer - then taking my car off after figuring out it's not front wheel drive - then borrowing Charlie's car - then messing the front end up on the tow trailer - then listening to Greg explain how we need 12/2's for ramps to raise the front of the car up enough to get it on the trailer. AND we stopped off at a bedding store and bought a memory foam mattress to replace the sleep number one that was messed up. So our 7am projected leaving time turned into about 4pm. But we did finally get out of town. Stayed the first night at a truck stop outside Sweetwater and got up early the next day and drove to Lubbock. We parked with the other "tailgaters" in the Texas Tech parking area - free!! - and stayed Friday night there. Saturday evening was a great game. Danny's friends joined us in the RV for a visit and then off to BBQ before the game. Tech beat Rice - always nice to be on the winning team. We stayed parked Saturday night and headed out Sunday for Colorado.