Wednesday, October 29, 2008

My honey

I love this video of Danny with his "girls" Never have I seen a man more at peace than when we visit the ranch and he gets to sit and watch the cows. It is good for his soul and I'm so glad he has this land and his ladies.

Reception for the Wedding

We got creative for the wedding reception - served a whole pig.  Actually, we served two.  Brother Kafusi cooked on in the ground and one on a spit.  The guests were awed and the food must have been good since it disappeared in 30 min. or less.

Mr and Mrs Greg Bills! FINALLY

What great looking young men! 
Here come the ring bearer and flower girl
And finally the beautiful bride escorted by her mom

Bishop DeLeon preformed the ceremony

John offered the traditional toast to the newly weds

After years of waiting and weeks of work, Greg and Medina were married on October 25.   The ceremony was beautiful, the reception amazing and both were very well attended.  We estimate as many as 400 people showed up.  Everyone seemed to have a good time.  It's so great to know Medina will be in the family forever now.    She are Greg are such a good match - I know they'll be happy!

Monday, October 20, 2008


KK Watches His Brother's Game


Tyson lines up

  It's been fun watching Tyson play football.  He's the best on the team!  And that's not just Grandma talking.  It's fun seeing the serious faces out there on  the field - and some silly ones as well.  The games are friendly, the parents are there hollering for their team.  I miss the days when my kids played baseball or football.  I remember Greg and Beezer in Pop Warner.  It's a drive to get to Tyson's games - they're held in Kyle - but well worth it.

Go Team!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

John Just Shared:

Do you know what your dog is doing when you walk him and he sniffs the ground over and over?

Checking his P-mail.      

You've Got P!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I went to my first ever indoor soccer lesson - mainly we played.  It was so fun!  I loved it - and will continue:  if I can walk tomorrow - or even later today.  My knees are just not what they once were, but maybe if I persevere I will build them up and be OK.  Either way, it was fun.  There were only 6 people there so we played 3 on 3 - and My team WON.  Whoopeeee.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Travelall Bounder 39' diesel

Amanda asked why I haven't put up pictures of  the motor home yet - so here they are.  It rides like you're floating and gets almost the same gas mileage that Danny's pick-up gets.  AND it has a washer/dryer and a sleep number bed.  Can't ask for more than that.  The sofa is a sleeper, and the table area folds down to make another sleep area.  So 6 total.  There are 2 TVs and a satellite system that tracks the signal as you drive, a DVD, and a VCR.  The A/C is cold, and there is a double 'fridge.  We got it at about half price - else wise we would not have a motor home.  There are two awnings, and 2 slides to make the living area and the bedroom roomier when it is parked.  The front and back air jacks level it - a little freaky to see a wheel off the ground, but then you realize it's being help up by the jacks.  I think we're going to enjoy traveling.  Danny says that all of our vacations in the foreseeable future will be motor home related.  Or we'll just stay home.   I wonder if we can drive this thing to Spain......