Tuesday, December 8, 2009

just a couple of pictures of adorable kids.

At the end of the Festivities

I had to throw in a picture of Boo. He has been a very patient doggie through all the holiday fuss. He loves company, pouts when everyone leaves, begs to be included in all the fun stuff, and finally, exhausted, relaxes at the end of the day in the new chair Danny brought home. That is until Danny sees him there and shoos him off the chair.

Happy 2nd Birthday Dani!!

Dani spent some time with the decorations before her Under the Sea birthday party. It was "Ready, Set, GO!!" and a mad dash through the sea of balloons. So fun to watch.
Then she got more into character by swimming in the tub for a while.
Finally it was down to the business of being clean and beautiful for her party.
By the time the guest arrived Dani was ready to be a great host.

Tanna joined in the balloon fun with the kids - but then how could anyone NOT want to run amok in an ocean of balloons?
Even baby Anderson loved the balloons.

When it was time to open the gifts, KK wondered which were his. But he was not upset when told that they are all for the birthday girl.
Dani got some cool stuff! The LDS Seek and Find was fun.

By the time the party was winding down, Dani was one happy girl. She'd had PBJ sandwiches, goldfish crackers, presents, friends and cousins, and lots of attention.

And she certainly deserves is. She's a cutie.

Some Animals Come To Their "Natural" End

This is what is left of Greg's first Deer. The meat is now sausage.

Enjoying one last meal at the ranch
Loaded and ready to go.

went with Danny to the ranch the other week. It was time to load and deliver two cows to the meat market to be "processed" into beef. Sad, but then this is what beef cows are raised for. I was sad that they were scared to move into the trailer and then were scared to be driven around. It was a relief to unload them, in the dead of night, into the pen at the processors. They were finally comfortable with fresh water and a non-moving foundation beneath their feet. The next morning they were - well, they were beyond being scared or uncomfortable. I know we are not supposed to name or personalize animals that are grown for meat, but it was still hard for me to see their discomfort. I'm sure I will be just fine when I'm eating that good beef. If fact Danny has gone to collect the cut, wrapped, frozen meat right now and my job is getting the freezer cleaned and organized to store it.


Fall Leaves and an Operation in Cleveland

Charlie showed me the "ball" in her neck when I got to Cleveland. The doctor removed a cyst that turned out not to be dangerous at all. She had to leave the bandages on for a while and then left the sterile strips in place. The whole thing was over so fast and it didn't slow her down at all.

Molly has really grown into a beautiful, intelligent young woman. It was such a joy to spend time with here and get to know how she thinks. She reads chapter books instead of picture books, and helps out around the house a lot.

Dillon is still a delightful, active, cute, active, funny, active little guy. He loved to jump IN bed with me in the morning - stay still about 1 min. to get warm, and then wanted to jump ON the bed. I don't think this kid will ever run out of energy or imagination.

Charlee is a combination of her siblings, with a healthy dose of just pure Charlee thrown in. Because the others are in school I got to spend more time with Charlee. She's so sweet, loves to talk, loves the iPhone games, loves to sing, and loves chocolate milk.

She does not seem to love getting a hair cut

Charlee looked so cute at her dance class - especially when she was doing her own thing during the part of the lesson when they get to express themselves. She twirled and ran and jumped.

The kids gathered fall leaves outside the church. The colors were so amazing. We made leaf collages for the cousins back in Austin.

I'm constantly amazed at how great a mom Amanda is. I'm not sure where she learned all that. She and Travis spend so much time taking the kids to the park, to interesting local farms and attractions, and just doing all the family things they can think of to make sure their kids know they are loved. I think that has contributed to the children's well developed imagination and intelligence.
The visit was a joy. I miss them a lot. I can't wait until they come here to see me in January - where the days will be much warmer than Cleveland.

I got to go to Cleveland and visit the family there when Charlee had an operation to have a cyst removed from her neck. Turns out the operation didn't slow her down

Giving Thanks

Ah the food. I only made 14 pies this year - down from the usual 20+.
Debbie brought two as well. No shortage of dessert!

Callie tried her hand a rolls. They turned out great.

Gotta have a taste tester to be sure that everything is safe and servable.

I had so much help in the kitchen. Lisa, Medina, Charlie, Tanna, Angi - everyone helped out.
It was great.

Hanging out before dinner, playing a little frisbee golf in the back yard
Dani is serious about using the iPhone
She retreated to a corner after Greg got excited about a
football play and scared her.
He felt bad and she kinda avoided him for a while.
I think she thought he was yelling at her.

Dani and Tanna cuddle

Not sure what Beezer and Joel are discussing

Angi is always so fun, and it's good to see Debbie as well.
Sad that I don't see Angi more often. I'll have to work on that.
After all, we live in the same area.

KK brought Raider Red - a big hit with his Papa and the other Tech fans in the family

Great Charlie and KK shot - and Raider Red got in on the hug as well

Joslyn is part of the family - She and Anderson are hanging out here

John, Tanna, Dani and Joslyn got there in time to eat and Dani entertained us all afternoon!

Greg and Medina share the couch with Boo. Football keeps Greg's attention. Go Ut!!

Tony won the golf tournament. I'm sure Danny will keep that in mind for next year

I do love getting together with everyone. Thanksgiving was amazing. We had lots of people and lots of love here - and lots of food - and football, of course. The men folks played their traditional Thanksgiving Morning Golf Tournament while the females of the group gathered to cook and visit and socialize. This year Greg joined the ladies. Smart move on his part - he got to eat more appetizers and enjoy our sparkling company. Angi, Charlie, Greg and Medina, Lisa and I visited while Greg set up the turkey fryer and did all the heavy lifting. Tanna and Joslyn ran the Turkey Trot race that morning and John picked them up after his golf game and so they got here in a little later.
Greg brought his frisbee golf equipment and the guys hung out on the back porch for a bit throwing the frisbee. Greg cooked the Fried turkey out there. I cooked the roasted turkey in the old portable oven that was once my grandmother's. Both were amazing. The turkey cooked in the roaster was so juicy - goes to show that age doesn't matter if the roaster works.
Medina's mother and sister and nephew came by for dessert thank goodness. We had plenty and to spare. I pushed pies off on people for days. One of the families in our ward had an after Thanksgiving pie party - everyone was to bring their left over pie and it would all get eaten. I didn't get that email, but next year I'll look for it.


Love this picture of Tyson. So haunting.....
Danny got the "bite" put on him at a mystery theater - or so he says.
Looks like Beezer is a little under the weather
Halloween was fun - but few pictures. I'm still waiting for Charlie to put up the picts of her kids on Halloween. They visited my neighborhood and were, of course, adorable - but I didn't have my camera. I should remember next time to make sure I get pictures.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Josh at the Ranch

The Adventures of Xurk - interesting video. Those who have visited our Ranch will recognize the apartment there. Our friend Josh works there keeping the cows fed and happy. And apparently he doesn't go hungry.

Now That's entertainment!

I found this video of John back in his institute days, when I transferred things to my new computer. Some things are too good to keep to myself, so I'm sharing (with John's good natured permission). Enjoy!

Tech Vs A&M

Annerson - Joel's granddaughter sure looks cute.
We thought how cute our granddaughters would look in Tech Cheerleader outfits -
but not too sure their parents would appreciate it.

Joel, Steve, Paul (Gartland) and Danny

OK, so the game was less than we we hoped for - far less, in fact, but the company was great. We enjoyed visiting with Danny's friends from High School/College years. I personally love tailgating in the RV. So nice to park the night before the game, take time to hang out on game day, then not have to fight traffic after the game - just head back to the RV and leave the next morning. Next game we're going to is Tech vs Oklahoma. Hopefully the end score will be easier to look at.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tyson Football

Today's game was not the success they hoped for, but doesn't Tyson look good. He played his heart out and is disappointed the team lost - but next week is another game, and another chance for a win. Cheer up Tyson!

Utah Trip: Final

Manti - the temple we were sealed in.
We enjoyed a peaceful morning in the temple before the final push to get home.
One of my favorite parts of any temple grounds is the landscaping. The flowers are so bright and cheerful, yet still reverent in a way.

The majestic wind turbines outside Sweetwater were a strong reminder that we were in Texas again and almost home.
When we got home there was a strong, bright rainbow right over the house. What a great welcome home!! I guess that our home is the pot of gold.

We left early in the morning on Tuesday and headed to Manti. 30 years ago we were sealed for time and all eternity in that temple and we wanted to visit it again on this trip. The weather was cold! and the drive really beautiful. We got to the temple and drove up the narrow drive - and wondered how we were going to park the RV with car in tow. The grounds people there were so nice. They drove up, showed us where we could turn around, showed us where we could park, and then even brought orange cones to put in front of the RV so no one would park too close and box us in. We enjoyed a session in the temple, and lunch in the lunch room there, and then headed for Texas.

We drove straight through with just a stop every now and then for a short nap for Driver Danny. I finally drove for an hour or so once we reached Texas. Danny even slept without waking up every other second to worry about my driving. It was nice to be home again after so many days on the road. As we neared Austin we talked about the next trip we want to take - to a giant dairy farm somewhere. We want to "kidnap" our grandkids and take them to see thousands and thousands of cows in one place. But that's for later. Right now we're still resting.