Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Getting to know family is a great part of any trip. Tyson even met his Great Great Grandmother. Gertrude is 93 and sharp as ever. They had a good visit. He asked her if she were around when Jesse James was alive - nope, not that old. But she does remember a time before cars when her family traveled by wagon.

Utah Trip Part 1

trip starts with a visit to Texas Tech - gotta get the little guy thinking right while he's young

golf is always a part of any vacation with Papa - here you can see Provo in the background. The golf course was up a mountain . Literally up the side of the mountain.

All About the Hair

KK can't hide too well - his hair gives him away

Crazy hair

Tyson with long hair - ready for a haircut
After the haircut - now he has a fo-hawk.

Just a few parental pictures: Mom on Mother's day - Dad with the group at Jazz Fest - Dad and John - and Danny's Bad Boy mower.

Random Picutures

I love the concentration. This kid is all business.

Do NOT mess with Dani! She's tough!

Speaking of tough - these guys look meaner than they are - well, except maybe for Medina.
She beat everyone that day.

Cousins chatting over the dinner table.
Dani must have told a good joke, judging from KK's expression.

Greg supervising workers putting in the fruit trees.
OK, really Greg worked harder than anyone - just took a sec to rest between jobs.