Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Friends, Family, New Baby - What a Week

This week has been busy.  I'm still not 100% but we can't let that stand in the way of fun now can we?  Amanda has been here and Lindsay, Jessica and Jess's husband Mark. Tyson took to Mark and claimed him right off.  Sunday night the family, along with many of Amanda's friends from her high school years, gathered here for dinner and fun.  Danny made some killer fried chicken!  That alone was worth the party.  Saturday Tanna and Amanda made scores of tamales.  The evening was great.   Monday we relaxed a bit, did a little shopping.  Tuesday was B-Day.   Anderson Cordel Hatnot was born around 12:45 (give or take a few min.) and we planned our day around that event, of course.  Mom and baby are doing Great!  

I'll have to get better/more pictures to post, but these are a good start.  All in all it's been a fun Spring Break.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Amanda's Chicken Recipe

Amanda told me about a great recipe. She cooks chicken breasts in concentrated orange juice and onion soup mix in a crock pot.  I didn't have onion soup mix but I did have onion powder and garlic powder and orange juice concentrate and chicken breasts so I put all that into a cast iron frying pan, added some chicken broth since I thought it might boil dry with just the OJ, threw in some salt and pepper and mushrooms, a few chopped pieces of onion and cut up a jalapeno pepper.  It was spicy but good.  Thanks for the idea, Amanda.    Danny was working with the missionaries last night and they stopped by for dinner.  Luckily there was lots of chicken.  One poor Utah elder was a little uncomfortable with the spice level so Danny took them for dippin' dots ice cream on the way back to their car.

Gall Bladder is out of here

This week I got my gall bladder out.  What fun.  I'm a little sore but getting better every day.  Just a few small cuts in the belly and one black and blue belly button to show for it.  Angi said not to bring the gall bladder home with me because that's gross.  I didn't even think of it, which is good.  I bet it would be far worse than gross!   Don't know what caused my family to be prone to gall bladder stones but John and Amanda had theirs out years ago.

Next: the knee.  After all, when will I ever have all my insurance deductible and out of pocket paid in full again?  I could save a lot of money if I get everything fixed this year.

More Cow Pictures

I tried using my 35mm camera that takes real film.  Loved it.  It takes great pictures and has a close up lens.  Of course my subject matter didn't do a lot of moving around so it was easy to find shots.  These are a couple of my favorite cow pictures.  Especially the tongue on the calf.  It's pink rimmed with black.  And good old #61 is one of my favorite mama cows.  She will even eat from my hand every now and then.  Not often, but sometimes if she's hungry and I'm on the other side of a fence.