Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

Austin ISD shut down one elementary school today and postponed or cancelled all AISD sports events due to a fear of Swine Flu.  One pre-K student was found with symptoms today.  Everyone is worried.  Seems that this flu is killing people in Mexico and that's not so far from here.  And many of the dead are fairly young - 20's, 30's, and 40's.  Not a fun thing to think about.  Travel to Mexico is discouraged world wide unless you have a real need to go there.  

My friend Shari says that you don't want to catch Swine flu - then don't do this:  

I think she may be right there.

Danny's Trip To New Orleans

Danny just got back from Jazz Fest in New Orleans.  While he was there he sent me this picture.  He says that the "mudbugs" are one of his favorite things about Jazz Fest - and this year he watched his friend cook them so now he knows the secret to a great crawfish boil.  Maybe we can talk him into demonstrating one of these days.

He also loved the music - as always.  Greg/Medina, and Beezer/Callie went with him in the motor home. 

Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Mysterious Orange Teeth

At the ranch during the last visit Amanda's kids found the strangest skull -it had long, gross orange teeth.  After a little exploration, we discovered it is from a Nutria - a large rodent that lives near water and builds dams.  I'm always amazed at first: what those kids find out there and second:  what actually lives along the Guadalupe river.  First it was the chupacobra and now a nutria.   I'm beginning to wonder if I really want to visit the ranch too often.  Who knows what else we'll find.

Here a picture of the large rodent - not from the ranch, but from the internet

You can see how those orange teeth make it easy to identify if you know what to look for.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

More Family Photos

Here's a sample of the rest of the family.  I put the kids' families to the left, and here are Danny and I,  Angela and I,  and the group shot of the kids.  

Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Pictures

Emma Powell came over the week of Easter and took family photos for us. They are great.  My favorite is this picture of the grandkids.  But then, most grandmas favor the grandkids, right?  I'll post more as I discover them.