Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Mysterious Orange Teeth

At the ranch during the last visit Amanda's kids found the strangest skull -it had long, gross orange teeth.  After a little exploration, we discovered it is from a Nutria - a large rodent that lives near water and builds dams.  I'm always amazed at first: what those kids find out there and second:  what actually lives along the Guadalupe river.  First it was the chupacobra and now a nutria.   I'm beginning to wonder if I really want to visit the ranch too often.  Who knows what else we'll find.

Here a picture of the large rodent - not from the ranch, but from the internet

You can see how those orange teeth make it easy to identify if you know what to look for.


Yonker Family said...

Nothing is gonna keep us away from the ranch, the more bones the more fun.