Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Some hair cuts just say so much about a person......

Sometimes we need to go to extreme lengths to stay focused.  Is this Tanna's version of blinders???   Or is it that we're just a fun family?  You never know what you'll see here next.

Wisdom and Helpful Hints

•  Did you know that if you peel a banana from the bottom you won't have those little stringy things on it?  Monkeys peel from the bottom - we should too.

And, if you separate your bananas when you bring them home they won't ripen as fast?

•  Store opened cheese in aluminum foil.  It will stay fresh longer and won't mold.

•  Bell Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating.  Peppers with 4 bumps are firmer and better for cooking.

•  Add a teaspoon of water when frying ground beef.  It will help pull the grease away from the meat while cooking.

•  To make really good scrambled eggs, add a couple spoonfuls of sour cream, cream cheese, or heavy cream when you beat them up.

•  For a cool brownie treat, make brownies as directed.  Then melt Andes mints in a double broiler and pour over the warm brownies.  Let them set and you'll have a wonderful minty frosting.

•  Add garlic immediately to a recipe if you want a light taste of garlic,  add it to the end of a recipe if you want a stronger garlic taste.

•  Leftover Snickers bars from halloween make a delicious dessert.  Simply chop them up.   Peel and core and slice a few apples.  Place the apples in a baking dish and sprinkle the chopped candy bars over the apples.  Bake at 350 for 15 min.  Serve with Ice Cream.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Father and son synchronized swimming?  Or is Xavier the new "Water Horse"?   Either way, they look like they're having fun.

One of the most fun things in Vegas was the 4-story M&M store.    They had every color of M&M - and a few flavors I hadn't seen before.  Danny saw a movie on the 4th floor while I looked for a bank for my collection.  We bought candy - at $10 a pound it was a little pricy - but we got to pick our colors and flavors so that sort of made it worth the extra expense - or maybe not.  They all eat the same.  I brought Beezer some Black and Red M&M's.  The red ones were cherry flavor.  Yummmmm.

Danny's home - and then he's gone again

Last week was a busy week and a good one for Danny to be out of town.  Lots of young women/girls camp stuff.  The JC overnight was held at my house on Friday night so, of course, it rained - hard - dangerously hard - keeping the girls inside and loud.  I finally called it a night around 12:30.  Then, just as I fell asleep, there was a horrible screaming.  When it didn't stop I got up, put on Danny's Robe, and went to investigate.  The girls had found a frog in the kitchen.  Granted, it was a big frog, but not worth screaming about.  They caught it, took it outside, and cleaned up where it peed on the floor.  Drama over, but the story lives on.     This weekend it's camp certification, again at my house.  Another good weekend for Danny to be out of town. This time he's taking Beezer with him - Jazz Fest in New Orleans.  

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My neighbor found this sweet dog today and brought him over.  I do the neighborhood blog and just today started listing dogs from the neighborhood so we can find their homes.  The HOA started charging a fine for loose animals - $50 for the first offense and then $100, and $150.  I figure if we can find out where the pups live we can just return them and avoid fines, like good neighbors.  I was so tempted to just keep this one.  Very sweet.  Very nice. Clean and newly groomed.  Beezer wanted him as well.  But then I recognized him as a good friend of Ike's from way back when we walked so I took Dozer home.  Not sure I'm really ready for a dog, but if one happened to fall into my lap - on front door - one of these days  it would be very hard to send them away.  Wouldn't Danny be suprized if he came home from convention in Florida and our family had grown?   

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

From the Cruise

Curacao has some very strange cacti.  This one is near the oldest church on the island.  The whole cruise was great - warm and exciting.  

I Want One!!

For only $2 American money I got my picture taken holding a sloth.  What a fun experience.  Now I want a sloth for my very own.  Danny held the sloth as well, but he does NOT want one.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dani patty-cakes with Papa

Dani came by to play with Papa.

Chilly Swimmers

It's April - the sun is shining and Charlie's family just got out of the pool.  The water in the pool is 72 degrees - way too cold for me but they had fun.  Of course the hot tub is at 105 so when they got too cold they got in there to warm up.  It's great to have family here at the house.  Nothing against my kiddos, but I especially love watching the grandkids have fun.  Being a grandma is the BEST!!