Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I loved the visit.  When I got there I told Charlee and Dillon that Papa wanted them to come back with me in my suitcase.  They tried.  In fact they fit just fine - one at a time - and even zipped in.  Charlee seemed comfy before the zipped closed, but they both decided they were not really happy with the dark cramped conditions so we let them out and they'll visit with us another time.

We visited the market, ate loads of cherries, Charlee and Dillon even cut cherries up for "samples" in the kitchen, played games and we all went to the park before time for me to head for the airport and home.  

Cleveland Visit

At the end of May I got to visit with the family in Cleveland.  We celebrated Dillon's birthday - and it was so fun.  They visited an actual submarine and got to climb down into the body of the thing. I opted to wait topside - don't think my knee would have made the trip.  The SSDillon Cake was an amazing hit.  Not only did it look great - but it tasted wonderful. I have to know how she does that.

We also visited the fundraiser at Molly's school where Amanda and I found ourselves bidding against each other (by mistake) for a butterfly cape Molly wanted.  We won.  Don't the girls look cute wearing it?