Saturday, September 26, 2009

Utah Trip: Final

Manti - the temple we were sealed in.
We enjoyed a peaceful morning in the temple before the final push to get home.
One of my favorite parts of any temple grounds is the landscaping. The flowers are so bright and cheerful, yet still reverent in a way.

The majestic wind turbines outside Sweetwater were a strong reminder that we were in Texas again and almost home.
When we got home there was a strong, bright rainbow right over the house. What a great welcome home!! I guess that our home is the pot of gold.

We left early in the morning on Tuesday and headed to Manti. 30 years ago we were sealed for time and all eternity in that temple and we wanted to visit it again on this trip. The weather was cold! and the drive really beautiful. We got to the temple and drove up the narrow drive - and wondered how we were going to park the RV with car in tow. The grounds people there were so nice. They drove up, showed us where we could turn around, showed us where we could park, and then even brought orange cones to put in front of the RV so no one would park too close and box us in. We enjoyed a session in the temple, and lunch in the lunch room there, and then headed for Texas.

We drove straight through with just a stop every now and then for a short nap for Driver Danny. I finally drove for an hour or so once we reached Texas. Danny even slept without waking up every other second to worry about my driving. It was nice to be home again after so many days on the road. As we neared Austin we talked about the next trip we want to take - to a giant dairy farm somewhere. We want to "kidnap" our grandkids and take them to see thousands and thousands of cows in one place. But that's for later. Right now we're still resting.