It was a successful day - fishing wise. Robert holds the catch from the boat he shared with Dad and Becky.
One of the good parts about not catching any fish is that you don't have to clean them!! It was much more fun watching other's cleaning the guts out. Although, again, I thought of my grandkids and how much they would enjoy this part.
Besides, I knew that everyone would share the fish. And eating them is more fun that catching or cleaning them.
Terri (me) and Dianna spent a nice morning on shore catching up on what's happening in the family. At the end of the day both boats came in with fish. I think Brandon caught the smallest- and probably a big one as well. Becky caught the biggest in the boat she was in.
After church we stopped for our second non-RV meal. The Diner was fun and the food yummy. Then we headed for Provo.
After cleaning the fish (ugh) and packing up, everyone but us headed back north so they'd be on time to church, and not traveling on Sunday.
We stayed the night and headed back Sunday morning, stopping off in Nephi for sacrament meeting. Danny and I kinda laughed when the ward we were visiting announced their upcoming chili cook-off for Halloween. I wonder if most wards do that.
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