Saturday, September 26, 2009

Utah Trip: Provo

The fish from the lake was amazing. We ate the good parts and left the heads.

Add to the fish, roast beef, hot rolls, salad, veggies, mom's squash cassarole, and a home made pies - thanks to grandma - and we were in food heaven.

I had no idea Emmy could sing like that!!! She did a few numbers from "Hairspray". She recently played the lead role in the play on stage.
It was fun just watching the performers, and watching those who were also watching. Like Mike and Bryan. Bryan's dogs also watched with us.

Julianna and Dianna sang and also played piano duets

Danny sang Desperado - I loved it. But then I always love hearing him sing.

In Provo, I sort of invited myself to Mike's for dinner. He tried to tell me how to cook the fish myself, but then gave in and cooked it for me. He's such a good brother - and a great cook. I need to find out how he does rolls. It's the same recipe I use but his rise more.

After Dinner we enjoyed music. Lots of music. I could have stayed there all night. Julianna performed some music she has written. That girl needs to publish. Diana and Julianna did a piano duet or two and the "girls" same together. I could have stayed there listening all night. The last song was one everyone did - - Even Mike and I sang. It was a request: Love is Spoken Here. Danny's favorite. It was beautiful