Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Giving Thanks

Ah the food. I only made 14 pies this year - down from the usual 20+.
Debbie brought two as well. No shortage of dessert!

Callie tried her hand a rolls. They turned out great.

Gotta have a taste tester to be sure that everything is safe and servable.

I had so much help in the kitchen. Lisa, Medina, Charlie, Tanna, Angi - everyone helped out.
It was great.

Hanging out before dinner, playing a little frisbee golf in the back yard
Dani is serious about using the iPhone
She retreated to a corner after Greg got excited about a
football play and scared her.
He felt bad and she kinda avoided him for a while.
I think she thought he was yelling at her.

Dani and Tanna cuddle

Not sure what Beezer and Joel are discussing

Angi is always so fun, and it's good to see Debbie as well.
Sad that I don't see Angi more often. I'll have to work on that.
After all, we live in the same area.

KK brought Raider Red - a big hit with his Papa and the other Tech fans in the family

Great Charlie and KK shot - and Raider Red got in on the hug as well

Joslyn is part of the family - She and Anderson are hanging out here

John, Tanna, Dani and Joslyn got there in time to eat and Dani entertained us all afternoon!

Greg and Medina share the couch with Boo. Football keeps Greg's attention. Go Ut!!

Tony won the golf tournament. I'm sure Danny will keep that in mind for next year

I do love getting together with everyone. Thanksgiving was amazing. We had lots of people and lots of love here - and lots of food - and football, of course. The men folks played their traditional Thanksgiving Morning Golf Tournament while the females of the group gathered to cook and visit and socialize. This year Greg joined the ladies. Smart move on his part - he got to eat more appetizers and enjoy our sparkling company. Angi, Charlie, Greg and Medina, Lisa and I visited while Greg set up the turkey fryer and did all the heavy lifting. Tanna and Joslyn ran the Turkey Trot race that morning and John picked them up after his golf game and so they got here in a little later.
Greg brought his frisbee golf equipment and the guys hung out on the back porch for a bit throwing the frisbee. Greg cooked the Fried turkey out there. I cooked the roasted turkey in the old portable oven that was once my grandmother's. Both were amazing. The turkey cooked in the roaster was so juicy - goes to show that age doesn't matter if the roaster works.
Medina's mother and sister and nephew came by for dessert thank goodness. We had plenty and to spare. I pushed pies off on people for days. One of the families in our ward had an after Thanksgiving pie party - everyone was to bring their left over pie and it would all get eaten. I didn't get that email, but next year I'll look for it.