Saturday, March 13, 2010

Dates with Grandkids

These last few weeks I got to have a date with some of the grandkids. KK and I did some beading and, of course, he wanted to cook. He kept talking about waiting for bubbles in the brownie mix he was stirring up - I didn't know what he was talking about but I went along with it. The next day I remembered that we had made pudding and I told him it wouldn't be done until it bubbled. He remembered that. What a smartie!! He also would not let me help - again. But didn't make any messes and the brownies were really good.
My date with Dani included shopping. What could be better for a couple of girls? Then we met John for lunch. Dani looked so cute - she has posing for the camera down to a T. That last picture really makes her look like a movie star - she's trying to get the camera out of her face and have some privacy. And don't you love the "bling"?

Anderson visited for a bit and I got to see just how mobil he is. The little guy scoots everywhere. At one point he scooted right into the pantry and shut the door. (I have no idea where that sticker on his head came from- it looks strange there.)