Saturday, July 26, 2008

Danny loves listening to a good band.  Later we even danced a time or two.

Kale, Dani and Xavier enjoyed snowcones, watermelon, and music

Tyson rode in the handcart, and then asked if he could help push.  I don't think he'd like pushing one for hours in the hot sun, but for a few trips around the grass it was fun.

The say a family that plays together stays together.  I think this family looks like they'll be great for eternity.

The celebration included cotton candy, BBQ brisket, bison, venison and other "mystry" meats.  And even a wagon pulled by a mule team.  Tyson and I rode in the wagon and decided that it was not quite as comfy as a car, but could be fun for a short trip.

Last week Danny and I attended our Stake's Pioneer Day celebration.   Danny sang with a group of men and did a wonderful job.  He looked great in his white shirt, jeans, boots and hat.  I didn't take my camera so I don't have pictures of that day.  So sad.  

Yesterday we attended John's Stake's Pioneer Day Celebration, held at Old Town Texas - an old Texas town recreated for visitors and fun.  Charlie and her family came along.  We listened to a live band that played songs like Margarita ville and other questionable choices for an LDS audience, but it was fun.  The food ran short - except for the meat - and the snow cones were great to combat the heat.  People were playing washers, and horseshoes, and pushing handcarts just like the pioneers did.  There were also more modern things, like a moon walk.    Tyson was in the moon walk when the band started playing the Chicken Dance.  That young man moved fast - he ran to the dance floor to be included in the dance, bare feet and all.  When the band took a break, John sang with a quartet - did a great job.  Hard to get a good recording because of all the kids running around everywhere and bumping into my chair, but you can see they did well.    It was nice to be out with the family.  The evening cooled down to a pleasant 78 degrees and everyone was having a great time.  I got in the line for cotton candy - a very long wait - and by the time I got back to the table with candy for the kids, they had gone home.  I found other kids to give the cotton candy to so it wasn't wasted.    I think we need more outings like that.  Maybe we can talk the family into a group camp out some time.  That would be nice.

Company Picnic and St. Honore Gateau

Salt Lick BBQ - a family favorite        (and the place Beezer works:  30% discount!  Yeaaaa.)

St. Honore Gateau - Looks good.  Lets hope it tastes good.......

No party is complete without the pool.  It got lots of attention today.  One little boy shared his floaties with Kale - kale was not happy but he looked cute with those big orange things on his little arms.

ATD's company party was held at my house this time.  Boy, what a lot of work but everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.    We got brisket and ribs from Salt Lick - along with a bunch of good old Salt Lick BBQ Sauce.  We added some sausage cooked on the grill, a bunch of potato salad, beans, and cobbler and everyone went away well fed.  The pool got a lot of use, as did the pool table.  Add all that to the large selection of appetizers and you'd think I have a house full of leftovers, but nope, almost everything got eaten.  How's that for planning?   I was also making a groom's cake for a friend's reception - tonight - so my day was a bit full.  I've never made a St. Honore Gateau before and only hope I got it right.  Danny delivered it because I was dead on my feet.  I guess I'll hear tomorrow how it went.

It was a full day - almost 50 people joined us at the house - and I'm glad it's over.  Tonight I'll sleep well and relax tomorrow.  I should be fine by Monday - my 32nd anniversary.  I would have forgotten but several guests today wished me happy anniversary.  Glad they did. I'd hate to be the spouse that forgot.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Beezer's Summer

OK, this isn't Beezer, but he wants to be this good.  He has been spending a lot of time at the lake lately.  Yesterday Greg drove the boat and tried his best to get Beezer to wipe out.  Greg's best is pretty darn good.......poor Beezer.  Today Bee is so sore he can't move well.  Good thing I'm not the type to take advantage of that or he'd really be hurting.

They're growing

Our little birds are leaving the nest.  I'm excited - I finally get to dispose of the nest and the "gifts" they leave on the patio below it.  We saw one little guy out flying with it's mom and dad this morning.    I guess the other one is scared to try.  Maybe tomorrow he'll spread his wings.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Finally - Pictures!!

Brandi and Danielle visited the ranch and helped round up the cattle.  They got up close and personal, as the cows come running when they hear the 4-wheeler coming.  They know if there is food available, the 4-wheeler is how it's delivered.  Brandi even got to pet one of the cows.  I guess when they're eating they ignore everything else around them.

Pictures of three of the babies.  The one on the right is the newest.  We have a few more but the herd is hiding them.

The cows ran from almost everyone - but they really seemed to want to get to know baby dani.  They approached her - not the other way around.  Smart cows. We all love Baby Dani.

Still can't get the other's to come home.  Danny is afraid that they will give birth over at the neighbor's ranch and we'll have even more trouble convincing them to come back.    I bet he'll figure it out.  He's pretty smart about most things.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

More newcomers

Danny is at the ranch and called to let me know we have several new calves.  I haven't seen them yet as it was hard to plan a time to go to the ranch with company here.  I'll be going next week and will certainly post pictures here.  

Newcomers at the Bills' house

A few weeks ago a pair of birds started building  a nest at the top of a post on the back patio.  I took it down every night, but the next day they would rebuild.  I finally gave up and they moved in.  Now we have little birdie heads peeking out at us.  The parents fly around in circles when ever we come out on porch - keeping an eye on us I guess.  They do make a mess on the ground under the nest - but we'll get rid of that and destroy the nest as soon as the little ones fly away.

Fixing the Qi (that's Chi to us English folks)

Beezer needed his sinuses fixed

Brandi had her tummy worked on

Danielle wanted her Qi lined up

And I wanted my knees to stop hurting.   So we all went "under the needles" and tried acupuncture today.  It was so cool!!  Not sure who had the most needles in them, but we all enjoyed the experience.  It didn't hurt at all.  Not even the ones in Beezer's face - or at least they didn't hurt for long.   Then there was time to relax with soothing music and a dim room.  Very restful.  I could do this again, and again, and again......