Sunday, February 7, 2010

Visit with Cousins

Not missing snow!! Isn't Xavier brave -
he took all the kids out to the hot tub and survived the noise.

Time for some sun bathing - in clothing and boots
Dani missed most of the fun but she did make it back from Houston for the last day

KK enjoyed his cousins - a LOT. He and Charlee followed each other around and when Dani got back from Houston she joined the "train"

Dillon bets he can lift up Beezer - maybe in a few years Dil but nice try.

Tyson can lift Dillon - and didn't even drop him

All the kids got into crafting when they were together. Building little wood items was a fun way to bond - and they loved painting them.

Molly and KK enjoyed beading together.

All the kids enjoyed the giant mulch pile in the back yard.
They played king of the hill.
For the Yonkers it was good being outside without snow.

Boo loved the attention and the kids loved Boo. They dragged him around and put him outside - then brought him inside - then out - then in. I think after about half the visit he started hiding out. Then there were the days he jumped all over the kids like he was a kid himself. Some of his more animal instincts also came to surface, but we tried to keep those under wraps. I think he was tired and rested for a day after the kids left, but then started looking for them.

One of the best things about the Yonker's visit is the cousins playing togethe
r. They had a blast!! It was so fun to watch. After they left I missed the energy and life in the house.