Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Little Hottie

The Bhut Joloki - the world's hottest pepper:
Pretty isn't it?

OK, this one is probably a habanero. The Bhut is a Ghost Pepper. I planted one last year and got a few peppers off it. This year I've planted more.

These little guys look so cute and innocent. You'd never guess they'll grow up to be so hot that even Danny Bills can't eat one without getting sick.

These guys will probably make really yummy pepper jelly.
I'm keeping some of the plants and giving some to Greg.
That gives me a double chance that there will be survivors among the sprouts.

This heat chart shows that the Jolokia is over 1 million Scoville points.
That's 10 times as hot as the habanero.

I'll let you know how things turn out - I'm sure we will survive.


Yonker Family said...

Crazy! You can keep some of those suckers by the bed at night and smear them in the eyes of anybody that tries to break in. Possibly more effective than a bat.