Saturday, February 6, 2010


An Oldie but a Goodie - Happy Birthday Danny!!

The food was out in abundance and there was lots and lots of help getting things ready.

Of course the Grandkids were there to celebrate with their PaPa

Tony brought Danny a great golf bag and I'm not real sure where the interesting hat came from.

Dancing was a favorite activity - especially with the kids.

Charlie was the official hugger.

Danny turned 60 this January 15th. Amanda and her family were here visiting and we threw a surprise party for the "old man". Lots of people braved the rainy, cold, foggy evening to attend. Danny was 45 min. late and completely unaware. It was great. We had food, of course, and Karaoke - thanks to Nicholas Xenos - and lots of love. As the evening progressed there was dancing and the singing picked up steam. Everyone signed a picture of Danny and Amanda created a memory book of thoughts and stories from the guests and from many who could not come. That book is a treasure. Danny, who usually goes to sleep early, stayed up after the party (which ended close to midnight) to read the entire thing. And....I'm sure I saw a tear in his eye!!


Yonker Family said...

What a great night. Lots of good memories. I would say the party was definitely a hit.