Saturday, February 6, 2010

Boo didn't enjoy this outfit as much as we enjoyed making him wear it - but he was good natured about it.

Mom visited for Christmas and we got to go to the ranch. It was a mess. Mom and I swept the dirt and hay out while Danny did whatever he needed to do - feed cows, etc. Doesn't it look good?

I think Mom enjoyed the time outside, but it was COLD out there. Especially when we rode around on the 4-wheeler

The cows didn't seem to mind the cold. Sadly one wandered off and was struggling to give birth. Danny headed to town to get the vet and Mom and I took her food. She started to eat so we figured she was OK for a while as the vet was not available. Danny went to find her the next day, when the vet was working, and looked everywhere - couldn't find her. We decided she may have gone through the fence to give birth. Greg looked again two days later and still couldn't find her. Then, two more days past, she finally came out of hiding but it was too lake. She didn't make it. So sad. Lost the cow and the calf. I guess these things happen with animals but that doesn't make it any easier to accept.


Yonker Family said...

Boo looks so funny, I'll have to show the kids this one.