Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Visit to the Snake Farm

Danny, and his cute funky hat, took the wheel and we headed out to the Snake Farm
This is the way to travel with kids!! Bathroom right in the vehicle and room to move around.

KK and Charlee are giving Papa advice while he pumps gas

This snake is eating chicken legs - yuck

KK couldn't wait to go touch the animals

Molly had no problem getting right in there with the piggie

Dillon and Hyenas - they laugh the same sometimes. Except Dillon is way cuter

This goose attacked KK - bad goose! Very very bad goose!!

Dillon got to enjoy some of his Dad's popularity with the animals.

Sharing the experience with Papa is one of the very best parts of any outing.

I wonder what charlie sat in?

Amanda and Molly laughing at Dillon and the goat

Tyson, like me, was not so sure about being surrounded by animals with feet and teeth

charlee loved it, no fear here.

Charlee wasn't scared of anything! She wanted to go swimming with the gators.

Anderson looked just about the right size for a meal for the giant boas

Molly and Tyson hung out most of the visit.

Dillon was braver than me - I did NOT go into the petting zoo.
Petting zoos scare me, always have.

KK tells the chickens what's up

Travis and the Llama: a love story - at least for the Llama

Travis's Llama - this animal loved Travis. It followed him around the whole time he was in the petting zoo. Even after Travis was out of food - the Llama stuck close to him.
You can see here, it is sad to see Travis leave.
She does have lovely eyes, doesn't she......


Yonker Family said...

I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard. Man that petting zoo, or "torture zoo" was hilarious!