Monday, February 8, 2010

KK Cooks!! (Happy Birthday Charlie and Xavier)

KK took over the kitchen one Monday between his mom and dad's birthdays.
He made chocolate pudding, brownies with oreo cookies in them, cupcakes, and frosting.
Then frosted the cupcakes and decorated them and finally frosted the brownies.
What a fun day.
Of course I think KK's favorite part of cooking was the "taste testing". After all, a cook has to be sure he's making tasty food, right?

When it came to filling the cupcake cups I was pretty sure he'd make a giant mess or the cupcakes would end up really uneven, but nope - he did great. He used a cookie scoop to fill the cups and cleaned up his drips.
Maybe KK have found his future as a chef? You never know.

And he even did the dishes after he was done cooking. What more could I ask?

The most fun part for me was seeing how excited he was to deliver his desserts - along with a gift for Mom. All the way in the car he kept holding his hands together near his chin and saying "Momma is going to be sooo happy!"
He was really happy to have the chance to give his family a treat.