Friday, July 30, 2010

Dog Days

OK, anyone who knows me understands that I love my animals. Vicki once said she'd like to be reincarnated as one of my pets because they are spoiled to the max. I've gotten a little better of the years - no more trips through the McDonald's drive thru for happy meals - but I still manage to keep them happy. I think a home needs a pet

to be complete, whether it is a hamster, a dog, or even a goat. Animals bring out the love and caring part of people and teach kids responsibility.

We currently house two dogs and a cat - although Zelda refuses to come into the house. Boo was adopted from the Town Lake animal shelter. Beezer choose him and named him. Luke came to visit while his family moves to Ireland and we're hoping he'll get to stay in Texas with us. The two are best buddies and always together.

At first Luke - the weimaraner - was a little scary to the kids. He's a big dog. But no more. In fact KK told me that Boo can be my dog and Luke is his.

They ran away together once - I found them a few miles away, tired and sore. They willingly got into the car (very unusual behavior for Boo since he knows he's in trouble) When we got home Luke headed to the pool to cool down and Boo laid spread eagle on the tiles. Then the slept so peacefully. It was a very quiet afternoon.