Friday, July 30, 2010

Camp Cooky

When I was first asked to be camp cook for girls camp my response was "yes - if I can get my mom to help". Poor mom. The camp renamed her the energy bunny. She never seemed to wear out. I, on the other hand, wore out regularly.

We cooked 3 meals a day for 200 people, and even provided some late night snacking and helped with a couple of required activities - like making trail mix. There were 3 of us to start with, but two of the stake leaders took pity on us and helped out. Our days usually started around 6:30am and ended close to 11pm.

I cut out cute aprons for the job and mom sewed them together when I got frustrated with my sewing machine. Loved those aprons. I still use mine - it's reversible, bright, and has pockets. Everything an apron should have.
At night we were allowed to sleep in the RV. Wonderful! We were the only ones at camp with A/C and protection from bugs. It would have been even nicer if we had time to enjoy it . Before going I pictured being done around 8, sneaking off to watch a little TV, pop some corn, and put my feet up. Nope.
The crew that came to cook after us brought 25 workers. I guess our 3 full time and 2 part time were a little short sighted.
When camp was over I was exhausted. It took days to stop waking in the middle of the night and worrying about getting breakfast done. One day - weeks after camp - I panicked because I couldn't remember making biscuits . I called Mom. She couldn't remember making them either. We both remember serving them with gravy. Maybe the biscuit fairy came along and helped out.

After a month I finally got feeling back in most of my fingers. Next year - if they'll have me - I'll plan better.