Thursday, September 10, 2009

It's Calf Season

Daddy regaining his energy. Now that his offspring has started to arrive, it won't be long before he has to "preform" again so we'll have more next year. It's work, but someone has to do it.
These little guys just THINK they are big enough to eat with the cows. Mainly they're just hanging out with their mamas.Brand new and still wet - this is the 9th little one this season. Almost half of the "girls" have delivered.
It's always fun to visit the ranch when it's calf season. Driving around finding the newest little additions is exciting. Keeping count can be frustrating as they do tend to move around a lot when you're tying to count! Right now we have 4 calves from last year - around 700 pounds each - that we're planning to take to the butcher and sell the beef. Yummmm! Grass fed beef with no fillers or additives or hormones. It will be the first time we've tasted our own "crop".

Danny is still wanting to add more land. Unfortunately the neighbors don't want to sell. Maybe some day. I can see Danny being a full time cow rancher. He fits in with those guys in the feed store, and equipment yards, etc. And going to the auction is fun. It's a laid back way of life - time spent on the tractor and hauling feed out of the barn to the feed corral. Then the rest of the day is free for movies and golf. Yea, I can see Danny loving that. Not sure I'd love it. Maybe if I get a horse.....


Yonker Family said...

I'll come and keep you company during the Cleveland winters, but I want a horse too.