Saturday, September 26, 2009

Utah Trip part 2

Danny enjoying the cool air in an RV park in New Mexico - it was just too nice to read inside.

About to get on board the Narrow Gauge Train in Durango
Watching the beautiful scenery outside the window.
Sometimes it was straight down - a looonnnngggg way - to a river or lake. Sometimes it was almost flush with rocks going
a long way up. Either way, it was amazing.
If you lean out the window - you can see the engine of the train up ahead.

After the Tech Game we headed off to New Mexico and then Colorado. Danny has always wanted to ride the narrow gauge railroad. We got there - got checked into a RV park with full hook-ups: Yipeee!! Water, power, and I could wash clothes!! Not to mention a dump tank to flush out the "brown and black" water from the RV. The ride was nice - long but nice. Next time we'll take the train one way and the bus back. It takes less than an hour by bus. Once in Silverton we ate - then back on the train. The entire town of Silverton shuts down once the train leaves to go back to Durango. We thought of Dillon - he would have loved to ride the train. We made plans to do that in the future - maybe next summer?