Saturday, September 26, 2009

Utah Trip: Fish Lake

The first sign that we're getting close to Fish Lake is the yellow of the Quakies. I love seeing their little leaves dance in the wind. It's like a magic show - especially when the wind catches the leaves and blows them up into the air to hover above the trees
Then Fish Lake appears. It's BIG and beautiful and cold. The mist rising from the water in the morning was really lovely. I had a fishing license that day, but would rather take pictures. Danny, Dad, Becky and I spent a few hours on the lake in a rented boat. Robert was due to be there around noon with Mike's boat but we didn't want to wait. Didn't catch anything that morning but really enjoyed the time.
Dad and Becky getting the poles ready with trolling gear. Later we did some bait fishing.
Danny got to "drive" the boat and fish at the same time. I sat in the back.
One problem with bait fishing is getting out past the moss. It grows close to the surface of the lake in parts. Once we reach open water the moss gives way to blue/green depts - Grandpa says it's 100 feet down in some places.

Fish Lake is a tradition in my family. I went there with my grandfather when I was little - and the family has been going there ever since. Dad and Becky sent invitations before they got off their mission, to meet at Fish Lake and we were very happy to attend. Wednesday evening there were just the four of us, Danny and I and Grandpa and Becky. We visited a little and then called it a day.

On Thursday, Robert was due around noon with Mike's boat. We rented a small boat and spent a few hours on the lake in the morning. So quiet and peaceful! We heard and saw a lot of fish jumping but didn't catch anything that morning. In the afternoon we went into town so Danny could find TAB and check messages on his phone. There was NO service of any kind in the mountains. Danny thought it would be restful to be out of touch for 4 days - but he couldn't stand it for long. After that first trip down the mountain he did fine. And it was good we went: we "found" Robert along side the road. He was pulling Mike's boat up and blew a head gasket on his truck. We followed him back downhill to town where he left his truck and the boat. He and Grandpa went after the boat the next morning.

The night we ate pork roast and yummy veggies at Grandpa's RV. Then we visited around a fire until the stars came out. I think we were all ready to sleep once the sun went down.