Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu

Austin ISD shut down one elementary school today and postponed or cancelled all AISD sports events due to a fear of Swine Flu.  One pre-K student was found with symptoms today.  Everyone is worried.  Seems that this flu is killing people in Mexico and that's not so far from here.  And many of the dead are fairly young - 20's, 30's, and 40's.  Not a fun thing to think about.  Travel to Mexico is discouraged world wide unless you have a real need to go there.  

My friend Shari says that you don't want to catch Swine flu - then don't do this:  

I think she may be right there.


Cyndi said...

Our elementary school has one probable case of swine flu. There have been 7 area schools closed so far because of this flu. Scary!!

Yonker Family said...

Even nastier.

Anonymous said...

BWAHAHAHAHAHA! That is an awesome photo! Right before the outbreak, our elementary principle "won" the contest at school to have to kiss a pig. They brought in a huge one, and right after the outbreak the photo hit the school paper of her smooching a big swine. How funny!