Saturday, March 13, 2010

Great Weather Means it's time to Garden!!

Danny and I spent the morning in the garden today. He did most of the work. He turned the soil and got rid of the weeds, and then I planted. It feels good to have plants growing.

First I started with the compost - my compost is in the cool stage - time to empty it out and start a new batch. Danny also gathered some nice fresh manure from the ranch.
The year has been so wet, this "pond" has been full for a long time. The frogs were so loud I thought there was an alarm going off somewhere. Now it's almost dry. That's good news for our little trees who need to have well drained soil to avoid root rot.
I kinda got intense with the trimming on this poor palm. But it'll come back. The center leaves are already a bit green, and it's been trough worse times.
Guess I'm in the planting mood -
couldn't throw out the pineapple top if there is a chance it will grow.
Here's our little tomato and pepper plants. This year we got the tomato cages on right from the start so we can keep them off the ground.
I'm so proud of our fruit trees. They didn't freeze or drown. Now they're putting on pretty flowers. Just another year and these baby trees will be big enough to produce fruit.

The pecan tree hasn't gotten green yet - but it'll happen.
These little olive trees have the neatest leaves. They are kinda grey/green - and since grey is my favorite color, of course I love these leaves.
The loquat, however, is not my friend. It's four years old and never even tries to give us fruit.

Mint - it takes over but it also keeps the fire ants away
Cilantro is growing here - little baby cilantro. We eat so much of it we have it planted in more than one spot. They say plant every two weeks to keep a supply.
Basil is amazing. I know I'll have to transplant these guys soon so they can grow BIG.
These strawberries survived the coldest winter Austin has had. I think I should buy more of these plants. This pot full is not enough to provide more than one or two strawberries at a time.
We've been harvesting asparagus every morning and keeping it in the refrigerator in a cup of water. We have a bunch now and will be cooking it tomorrow



Yonker Family said...

The trees are so pretty. I wish I had the motivation to get my garden started already. I guess I have just a little too much going on right now to focus any time on that this year. Maybe next year.