Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Fall Leaves and an Operation in Cleveland

Charlie showed me the "ball" in her neck when I got to Cleveland. The doctor removed a cyst that turned out not to be dangerous at all. She had to leave the bandages on for a while and then left the sterile strips in place. The whole thing was over so fast and it didn't slow her down at all.

Molly has really grown into a beautiful, intelligent young woman. It was such a joy to spend time with here and get to know how she thinks. She reads chapter books instead of picture books, and helps out around the house a lot.

Dillon is still a delightful, active, cute, active, funny, active little guy. He loved to jump IN bed with me in the morning - stay still about 1 min. to get warm, and then wanted to jump ON the bed. I don't think this kid will ever run out of energy or imagination.

Charlee is a combination of her siblings, with a healthy dose of just pure Charlee thrown in. Because the others are in school I got to spend more time with Charlee. She's so sweet, loves to talk, loves the iPhone games, loves to sing, and loves chocolate milk.

She does not seem to love getting a hair cut

Charlee looked so cute at her dance class - especially when she was doing her own thing during the part of the lesson when they get to express themselves. She twirled and ran and jumped.

The kids gathered fall leaves outside the church. The colors were so amazing. We made leaf collages for the cousins back in Austin.

I'm constantly amazed at how great a mom Amanda is. I'm not sure where she learned all that. She and Travis spend so much time taking the kids to the park, to interesting local farms and attractions, and just doing all the family things they can think of to make sure their kids know they are loved. I think that has contributed to the children's well developed imagination and intelligence.
The visit was a joy. I miss them a lot. I can't wait until they come here to see me in January - where the days will be much warmer than Cleveland.

I got to go to Cleveland and visit the family there when Charlee had an operation to have a cyst removed from her neck. Turns out the operation didn't slow her down